wow, so late on this ^^; the next episode already comes out tomorrow >_<
Anyway, i wasn't quite sure what to expect from an episode all about Miu-chan except for probably less innocence[is that a good thing?] cuz of how Miu's character has been developed so far.
But i was pleasantly surprised to see that Miu isn't always suggestive.. just around Yuuta ^^;
This episode really gets down to the core of Miu's personality, and we get to see a few more of her quirks.
T_T nooooooo~
When i say that this episode is all about Miu, i really mean that it's all about Miu. With the exception of a few scenes at the beginning and the end of the episode, Sora-chan, Hina-chan, Raika-san, and Yuuta are barely seen for the whole episode.
So this should give you your Miu fix, since PapaKiki has seemed to be lacking of Miu as recently.
when the train hits a few bumps, someone steps on Miu-chan's shoe ><" |
They have to take three separate trains to get to school ^^; |
dress to impress ^~^ |
So apparently what Miu wears IS NOT the school uniform. Her school doesn't even have a uniform! Miu's fashion > everyone |
kawaii teacher~~~ |
also doubles as coach ^^ |
she works out. |
An intimidating voice suddenly calls out to Miu.. |
Eyecatches came early in this episode.. only about 7 minutes into it. Takanashi Miu, Sora, and Hina abouve ^^ |
Eyecatch B - Takanashi Miu with Atarashii Kurumi |
im not sure why but for some reason this comment concerns me. |
If it weren't Nimura, who we all know by now is cool, this would be quite creepy. |
that is a reasonable comparison. |
BEACH EPISODEEEEE????? \\\\\\\^~^//////// |
or nottttt =o= |
... wait what? |
lucky fish. |
for some reason this picture screams of illegal activity. |
she later compares the sea lion to the face of Sako-senpai.... pretty accurate if you ask me. |
^Miu-chan's face when told that Raika-san cares about her^ |
^Miu-chan's face when told that Sako-senpai cares about her^ |
this episode's set on a saturday, as most schools in japan have morning classes on saturdays. |
yes. yes it is. |

whhhaaattt is going on in this picture. |

very nice background artwork. |

i'm in love with insecure looking Miu. |

Here, Miu-chan begins to sing.. |
..and it turns out that Sora-chan is also singing the same song while making dinner.. |

..and Hina-chan/Yuuta are also singing that same song while walking home from the store. |
nice family moment. reminiscent of the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star singing from episode 2. |

the face of a man who has just been dumped. |

the face of a man who won't be told a secret. |

Overall, i'd have to say that this episode was a nice change of pace in that nothing story/plot-changing really happened, but we got to learn a bit more about our main characters.
Looking forward to next week.. which is tomorrow ^^;
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